Video tendencies for 2021

Over the last year, a lot of businesses have migrated to digital format. From local businesses to large corporations, video marketing has gained importance as an essential tool for their digital strategy and as a way to adapt to new tendencies.

2021 will not be the exception for the growth of video marketing. This is why, in preparation for this year, we put together a list of trends you need to watch out for to have a winning strategy.

Live streaming
Going live is now an opportunity that it’s available on almost every platform. This means that anyone can start a live stream at any time with just a cellphone or a computer. However, constant content production creates the need for brands to have professional productions to maintain the quality and stay on message.

Also, monetization of live video is just around the corner. For example, Facebook has added a feature for live paid events. This is an opportunity your brand should watch out for.

360-Degree Video
Video content is the best way to give your customers a visual idea of the products and services of your brand. Furthermore, 360-degree videos offer a more immersive and engaging experience for the viewer. With so many people buying online, this has become an excellent tool for Business-To-Consumer brands to separate themselves and to offer a different experience.

Search-optimized videos
Algorithms are always changing. It is very important to optimize your videos for searches so your strategy does not go unseen. Optimizing video content will be as important as producing it. By doing SEO work on your videos, search engines can favor your brand, making it rank higher when people look for specific keywords that may be included in your content, and that will hopefully refer to something you want your viewers to see.

There is a saying that states that when LinkedIn jumps on board on any trend, it means that it can make it anywhere. This is exactly the case with video. This platform has now launched the option to do video conferencing through messages, as well as the LinkedIn Live Video, but many people are not aware of these features.
Having a winning strategy on LinkedIn is crucial, so you may want to explore all the tools that it can provide for your brand.

Educational videos
Videos are great learning and training tools. From internal education in your company, to educating your customers, this is a great opportunity to produce this kind of content. With an overload of advertisements, an informative approach may be a way to stand out. Webinars, tutorials, training videos, are just a few examples of the wide variety of options available.