Content production is here to reach and provide value to your audiences

In the last few years, commuters have substituted some of their favorite playlists for podcast, and have turned to listen to gain knowledge on all current trends, interests, and much more. According to recent statistics, the number of podcast listeners in America have grown 37.5% in 3 years, to a whopping total of 61.1 million, which is still intended to increase.

So, what is a podcast?
A podcast is a series of episodes where people come together to focus on particular topics, themes, and interest. Podcasting combines the freedom of reaching out and educating people with digital audio technology and the ability to choose when and where they listen.

What is a podcast style video?
A podcast style video is one step beyond audio podcasting. Traditionally, podcasts are only audio, but the number of video podcast watchers are dramatically increasing.

Well… you may be thinking why are video podcast more favorable than a traditional one?
There are four major benefits.

  • Videos increase the attention of our audiences
    For many, as time passes people become disinterested. With adding on a visual aspect you keep your listener interested and less likely to wander away. Using video allows a company to express, educate, and pass on information face-to-face. Being able to see body language, facial expressions, and passion increases the chances of the watcher to be intertwined with the experience.
  • Builds Trust/Visual Branding
    As mentioned in the benefit above, being able to connect a passionate voice to the face of the company will allow others to become more familiar with you. As familiarity grows, so will the loyalty of the watchers/listeners. This includes the opportunity to add your logo and utilize your brand colors.
  • Video is Key on Social Media PlatformsPeople who are familiar with apps, such as Facebook and Instagram, are more likely to stop and interact with video content. Posting on video platforms such us YouTube and many other up and coming channels can help expand your reach to many people. Viewer groups include multicultural audiences, variety of age groups, demographics and so much more. An important thing to note is that being able to provide multi-language content can help sky rocket brand reach, brand awareness, and brand following.
    So when it comes down to grasping attention of others, high quality video is the answer.
  • Video podcasts are efficientAnyone can listen while doing daily tasks whether it be at home or work. The listener can eliminate the stress of having to coordinate their hectic life schedules and now have an “on-demand” experience. There is a beauty to how efficient podcast style videos are – Final product is delivered quickly, cost effective and perfect for a series.

Real solutions for real businesses
Career Management Partners (CMP), a talent and transition firm in the business of developing people and organizations across the full talent life cycle, was in need to quickly educate a large group of English and Spanish speaking recently laid off employees about their career transition and outplacement services value. 
Our solution was to create a video podcast in multiple languages to introduce and explain outplacement services to candidates impacted by a layoff.  CMP’s need was an educational piece for outplacement candidates to know the value of career transition support. CMP’s career coaches assist candidates with difficult unemployment situations and help them find a new opportunity.
CMP leadership quickly jumped into action as this was a perfect fit for their vision of educating about pursuing happiness through a career that aligns with people’s life goals.  With a less than 24-hour turn around to the final product, they had a new tool to massively communicate their message. 
The best thing about this model is that it can be replicated and turned into a series with a wide variety of engaging subjects.
What’s your communications challenge?  We have a solution waiting to be produced!