On March 8th, we celebrate International Women’s Day as a day to empower social, economic, cultural and leadership achievements of women all around the world. We celebrate women’s relevance as a powerful force for good with equal opportunity to rise in whatever role they choose.
As a Hispanic women owned business Laguna Media Group is committed to integrate diversity to our business and to continue to lift women up as we climb. This is why part of our talent development strategy includes mentoring young professional women in our own organization as well as outside our company. We encourage innovation, and find opportunities to challenge them to step up and grow.
As we expand our business, we also seek to give back by leaving a legacy and creating positive impact in our community. Being active and volunteering in multiple organizations such as the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council – WBENC, the Women’s Business Council – Southwest – WBCS, and the Hispanic 100, allows us to continue learning as well as connecting with other amazing women who inspire us to do more with women and for women. These organizations support women leadership, entrepreneurship and opportunity for women.
We will continue to engage in activities and organizations to bridge the gap and help achieve equality in business. We look forward to celebrating our women’s achievements as they shine the brightest with their own light and we can only hope they feel inspired to do the same for next generations.