The importance of performing a SEO audit on your website

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the digital marketing process of increasing traffic to your website through organic search engine optimization. To start your optimization process, SEO audits are vital. They determine how your website is performing and what could be done for it to improve. This is done by reviewing a list of signals that will rank and indicate what is doing well, what part of your site needs special attention and specific areas in need to improve.

When you finish creating and launching your website you are only halfway done. The work does not end here. Your site needs maintenance, constant monitoring and improving. This is why performing SEO audits regularly have several benefits.

Track keywords
One of the main purposes of SEO is to move up the keywords of your website for them to rank higher. This will help visitors find you within the first pages of the search results. As the optimization happens, your keywords should position your business more and more every time. Monitoring will help you see if there are positive or negative movements and what needs to get done accordingly.

Find weaknesses
SEO has evolved towards more than just keywords. Nowadays, search engines take into account many other variables in order to rank your website. This has to do with the quality and organization of your content and other technical issues. By analyzing all of these levels regularly, it is possible to correct emerging problems and to adapt to the changing algorithms.

Even though this sounds obvious, measuring the effectiveness of the SEO work is crucial. This is why doing one SEO audit is not enough. You will be able to compare the results of different periods of time and efforts, and identify trends and valuable information that can enhance your strategy.

Keep an eye on the competition
It is possible to perform audits on your competitors and see what are their strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to see what keywords they are ranking, examine their backlinks and have an insight to their strategies.

Now that you have learned about SEO Audits it is time for you to discover how your website is doing and how it compares to your competitors. Holler if you need help. Our team is ready to assist you!